Puchi Pua are my favourites!

Meet Puchi

Puchi is my favorite Micky Mouse toy. I have this toy since my childhood and is my trusted companion. "Puchi" means very soft and cuddly. I like him a lot.

Meet Pua

Pua is my favorite Pluto dog toy. I have this toy since my childhood as well. Puchi and Pua are inseparable and go together. "Pua" is soft and cuddly toy. Pua is Puchi's side kick.

Riddle Corner

  1. What did the egg say to the other egg?

Let's get crack'in!

  1. How is the elephant alike to a tree?

They both have a trunk!

  1. How did the rhino charge?

Because he ran by batteries

  1. What do you call a seagull flying over the bay ?


  1. Why was the sea sad?

Because he is blue

  1. How many tickles does it take to tickle a squid?


  1. Why was 9 afraid of 7?

Because 7 8 (ate) 9

  1. How do fish stay healthy?

Because they have lots of vitamin c (sea)

  1. What has a neck but doesn't have a head?


  1. What has a bed but doesn't sleep. It can run but never walk?


  1. Why is Sunday stronger than Monday?

Because Monday is a week (weak) day

  1. There was a one storey green house. The house had green books, green alien, green doors and windows. You get it! everything is green. What color were the stairs?

There are no stairs! It's a one storey green house